Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 18: oh... This is what a tail wind feels like...

We're back on the road after a very nice stop in Vienna Austria. We spent 3 nights and 2 days there. Besides the typical housekeeping tasks (updating blog, washing clothes, cleaning bikes and some shopping) we had the chance to explore the city a bit. By far, this has been my favorite city among many great cities that we've passed through.

Today we left Austria and entered Bratislava Slovakia. The ride was only 57 kilometers that is just over 35 miles. In addition we had a very nice tail wind that helped speed us along. We arrived early enough to check into our Botel (stationary river barge) and held into town for sightseeing and refreshments.

To me, this is where the adventure begins. As a group, we're really not sure how the traveling will be different in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria will be from France, Germany and Austria. We're looking forward to exploring and learning more as we travel.

That's it for today, Happy Biking,


1 comment:

  1. Not sure my last comment went through. You will being going South of where my mother and dad were born, my mother in the upper right hand of Hungary and my dad in the upper left hand part of Romania. About 60 miles apart as it turned out. They both immigrated to the US in the 20,s sometime. I am enjoying your posts. Be careful.
    Jim Boykan
