Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 2, Nuclear power plants and wind turbines

Today as we left our campground that is located on an active farm, we passed the ponies, ducks, geese and lambs and hit the cool road. Bright blue sky called us down the road.

Just a couple of miles down the road we passed a castle with a drawbridge and moat. I knocked on the castle door to talk to the king, but only an angry dog answered from the other side for the door.

About and hour into the day, we pulled into a small town and found one open bakery. Had a pastry and a cup of coffee before heading off again.

We didn't really push the day very hard and even side tracked a bit through a small town and some back-roads. With the Garmin GPS it was pretty easy to track where we actually were, vs. the planned route, so we never felt lost. We were just exploring our options!!

Lunch came up at the 50km point, which was more that 50% of the way to destination of Troyes. As the day  rolled on the crosswinds and headwinds picked up a bit and slowed down our pace a bit. But the road became more quiet while we passed fields of barley, poppies and hemp.

We also passed a nuclear power plant puffing clouds of white smoke and fields of wind turbines.

The last 10 km into town was along a very busy highway, but we just kept moving and were in town in just a short time. This evening we're staying in a very nice hotel and will have tomorrow off to explore our surroundings a bit.

Happy Riding,


RideWithGPS recorded route

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